Cultural and Natural Landscapes of the Siegerland

Welcome to the homepage of the LIFE project "Siegerländer Kultur- und Naturlandschaften". Within this six-year project, various nature conservation measures are to be implemented in the EU Special Protected Area "Wiesen und Wälder bei Burbach und Neunkirchen" to promote a variety of forest and grassland habitats. This is intended to permanently protect the habitats of rare animal and plant species in the region.

The project has a funding volume of 4,177,980€. Of this, the European Commission is contributing 60%, while co-financing is provided by the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Traffic of the State of North-Rhine Westphalia, the NRW Foundation and the district of Siegen-Wittgenstein.

A characteristic region

The project area comprises the entire EU Special Protected Area "Wälder und Wiesen bei Burbach und Neunkirchen" in the southern corner of the Siegerland. The area is characterized by a structurally complex mosaic of intertwined cultural and natural landscape.

More about the project area



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