Conversion of spruce forest into grasslands (C4)

In the project area, some sites with valuable extensive grassland (e.g., Nardus and Molinia grasslands) were afforested with spruce trees in the past. Our aim is to convert parts of these sites back to open grasslands, which are now almost exclusively stocked with spruce and are in close association with current valuable habitat types. In combination with Action C2.1 (establishment of the alluvial forests, habitat type 91E0*), a biotope network will be created on 35 ha, which is underpinned by the high coherence with neighboring areas outside the project setting (e.g., Special Protected Area "Westerwald").


Target area: 35 ha
Measures: Harvesting of spruce trees, re-establishment of extensively used grassland habitat types (e.g., 6230*, 6410, 6510, 6520)
Target species: Whinchat, Violet Copper, Marsh Fritillary


Progress of measures:

The harvester has been in operation since May 2022 and has already removed spruce trees on approx. 30 ha in the Special Area of Conservation "Buchheller-Quellgebiet". These acted in recent decades as a dispersal barrier for the species of the grasslands and had separated the area from the DBU natural heritage "Stegskopf". This measure is being carried out with the best support of the municipality of Burbach/the Forstzweck-Verband Burbach and the local district forester Maik Hoffmann.

The first conversion measures are planned for summer 2023. For this purpose, the areas will first be mulched and then covered ("inoculated") with mown material from floristically high-quality donor areas.

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